
Third Congressional District Democratic Party treasurer charged with theft

(Photo supplied/Kosciusko County Sheriff's Department)

WARSAW, Ind. (AP) — Authorities say a former treasurer of the 3rd Congressional District Democratic Party in Indiana has been charged with stealing more than $7,000 from the party.

The Journal Gazette reports the Kosciusko County prosecutor last week filed a theft charge against Tyler Robert Cooley.

The newspaper earlier reported that Democratic Party leadership had accused Cooley of stealing money after an internal audit showed that funds were missing from a state election campaign account. He’s confirmed that money was missing and said he was making repayments.

Last week, Cooley told the newspaper he didn’t think the case would bring charges.

According to a probable cause affidavit filed in the Kosciusko County court system, Cooley told an investigator he took the money between September 2015 and July 2016 for his personal use.

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Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch! February 8, 2017 at 3:06 pm

I thought Dems were all about helping the poor? Maybe you have to be an illegal immigrant to be helped by the Dems. Maybe he was going to use the money to pay for the items the Clintons stole while they were in the white house. Its possible! Maybe he just want to hire some professional protesters to picket in front of the Whitehouse!


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