
Trump presents Medal of Honor to former medic from South Haven

(Photo supplied/www.whitehouse.gov)

An Army medic who saved wounded soldiers from a Vietnam War kill zone despite his own serious injuries has received the Medal of Honor from President Donald Trump.

The medal is the nation’s highest military honor for actions in combat, and Monday is Trump’s first time presenting it.

The recipient is 71-year-old James McCloughan, of South Haven, Michigan.

Trump says McCloughan “ran into danger” to rescue other men.

McCloughan was a 23-year-old private first class who ended up in the middle of a raging, two-day battle in Vietnam in 1969. Officials say he willingly entered the “kill zone” to rescue 10 wounded and disoriented comrades despite his own serious injuries caused by shrapnel from a rocket-propelled grenade.

McCloughan told the Associated Press in an interview last month that the battle was the worst two days of his life.

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