The newest addition to Notre Dame‘s instructor ranks has a Presidential flair to him.
Denis McDonough served as chief of staff to President Barack Obama during the second term of Obama’s presidency. Now, the South Bend Tribune is reporting he’s been named an executive fellow at the new Keough School of Global Affairs at Notre Dame.
What that means is he’ll be an instructor at the global policy seminar for the inaugural 38 graduate student class in the Master of Global Affairs program.
In addition to serving as President Obama’s chief of staff, McDonough held several positions in the National Security Council. Also, he was one of a small group of people that joined Obama to monitor the progress of a Navy SEAL raid that resulted in Osama bin Laden’s death.
Just another reason to stay far, far away from this leftist indoctrination institution.
I strongly disagree. We need to stay close and understand why they defend their obviously indefensible policies. You don’t just dis-engage. That is the major problem this country is facing. Everybody talks and.nobody listens. I approach this as a USMC veteran during Vietnam. You don’t run from your adversaries, instead you engage and gain the upper hand.
It’s a private business, they make their choices and we can vote with our wallets. Let the market decide. Unless they are hurt monetarily they will not care what opposing opinions say.
As long as the government guarantees those student loans they will continue to raise prices and do as they please…hiring leftists to indoctrinate the student population.
So, stay away. Don’t give them a dime. Go and tell them why.