
Habitual traffic violator arrested on suspicion of drunk driving

(Photo supplied/LaPorte County Sheriff's Office)

A habitual traffic violator has been arrested again on suspicion of DWI.

LaPorte County Sheriff’s deputies were notified of a suspected drunk driver around 12:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3.

Investigators say a blue Dodge Caravan was spotted by several citizens with the driver appearing to be asleep behind the wheel and the vehicle was also in reverse in the 2200 N. block of LaPorte County Line Road.

When confronted by the citizens, the driver claimed to be alright however said that she “could not afford to get another DUI”, according to a LaPorte County Sheriff’s Office news release.

The driver then reversed suddenly nearly striking one of the bystanders before fleeing the area.

A sheriff’s deputy spotted the suspect vehicle a short time later traveling east on CR 400 N and made a traffic stop.

While speaking with the driver, who identified herself as Raven Long, 40.

The sheriff’s deputy detected a very strong odor of alcohol on Long’s breath and also noted open containers of alcohol including a can of “Four LOKO” which is known for a high alcohol content.

Long admitted that her driver’s license was “Habitual Traffic Violator”. She refused to take a breath test so a warrant was obtained for a blood draw. The result of the blood draw was .32%.

Long was lodged in the La Porte County jail on four counts of Operating While Intoxicated and one count of Operating a Motor Vehicle as Habitual Traffic Violator. On Saturday, she posted bond she is set to appear in court this week.

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1 comment

Adrienne December 7, 2017 at 10:44 am

I hope she reaches out for the help she needs.


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