
Donnelly opposing Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court

(Photo supplied/U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly)

U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly announced on Friday, Sep. 28, that he opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Donnelly released the following statement:

“I do not view Supreme Court vacancies through a partisan lens, which is why I have used the same thorough process to evaluate nominees regardless of who the president is at the time. That was the case regarding the nomination of Judge Garland and also when I voted for Justice Gorsuch, who was President Trump’s first nominee. It has remained my approach with Judge Kavanaugh.

“As I have made clear before, sexual assault has no place in our society. When it does occur, we should listen to the survivors and work to ensure it never happens again. That should not be a partisan issue.

“My job as a Senator is to gather as much information as I can to make the best-informed decision. The allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh are disturbing and credible. In the interest of getting as much information as possible, I believe the allegations should be investigated by the FBI.

“Unfortunately, despite having the time and opportunity to do so, Senator McConnell has refused to allow that FBI investigation. Even the American Bar Association, which has previously rated Judge Kavanaugh as ‘well qualified’ has called for an FBI investigation, where we could learn more information and other potential witnesses could be interviewed.

“I have deep reservations about Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to this lifetime position and, as I stated, we have been unable to get all the information necessary regarding this nomination, despite my best efforts. Only 113 people have ever served on the Supreme Court, and I believe that we must do our level best to protect its sanctity.

“While I would gladly welcome the opportunity to work with President Trump on a new nominee for this critically important position, if Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination comes before the full Senate for a vote under these circumstances, I will oppose it.”

Donnelly is a moderate Democrat who voted for President Donald Trump’s first nominee to the high court, Neil Gorsuch.

Donnelly is up for re-election this year in Indiana.

His decision comes after a hearing, Thursday, when a California professor testified that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school when they were teenagers. Kavanaugh also testified and denied Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations.

The Associated Press contributed to this story



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Paul September 29, 2018 at 12:40 am

Thanks Joe for turning 250 years or more of jurisprudence on its head. You just sold every innocent man or boy down the river and for what. For DEMOCRAT POWER that’s for what. Now every other gender with some sort of beef can make an accusation and it MUST be believed. We here, all of us men and women, are innocent until PROVEN guilty. We can have no other form of justice. Funny how you made your grand pronouncement before the 7th FBI background check on Kavanaugh was announced. You are a very sad representative for Hoosier values and our sense of fair play and common sense. On the other hand you just might have destroyed any chance of getting re-elected. After yesterday’s performance Brett Kavanaugh is certainly more popular than any US senator no matter from which party. Either you hide under your desk for 5 years or you ride your motor home for one year. In any event you have ignored the wishes of Hoosiers. We can no longer afford any of your help.

Dan October 1, 2018 at 2:58 pm

Please remember this and vote for anyone else but Donnelly!!!! We have to get this lazy clown out of DC. Anyone that will listen to any allegation from 37 years ago but won’t listen to his own state is an idiot. The entire democratic party is so corrupt it needs to be abolished…along with lyin Joe.


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