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Call to end gun violence echoes across Michiana

(Krystal Vivian/95.3 MNC)

Calls to end gun violence continue to echo throughout Michiana.

A prayer vigil was held Sunday night for Taveyon Colon, who was shot and killed in South Bend last week.

There are currently no suspects in the shooting.

Members of Justice for Michiana, a local activist group, says there’s not enough support for families of gun violence victims.

The group currently helps these families when they cannot help themselves.

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DAVID A KRIEGEL June 14, 2021 at 10:24 am

I read news from around the nation. Shooters seem to be repeat offenders with many many red flags . Violence, rage, bullying starting young. Entitlement. Many killers are repeat killers released from prison with still violent unrepentant anger. If society ( JUDGES and POLITICIANS) can protect us many from these few, it seems violence will greatly decrease Way too often, cries from beaten women receive only a worthless protection order. Their killers ignore these court orders. Judges let shooters out on NO BAIL to kill while awaiting trial. Gun laws do nothing only dis arming the victims as victims obey the no gun laws while shooters as an example enter a no gun policy place of work or school to massacre the helpless.

Slacker06 June 14, 2021 at 10:59 am

All of us including legal gun owners want an end to violence. But you see the violence starts in the brain not at the trigger of the gun. If you want to end violence of all kinds, more people are killed by fists and feet they by all rifles in this country, then we need fathers to step up and be fathers. they need to merry that girl rather than seeing a lot of girls and producing a lot of unloved kids. We we arrest offenders they need to pay a price. Like David above mentions ,nearly all of them, even the very young ones, have long rap sheets and mere slaps on the wrist for violent crimes. Gun banners think all gun owners are a future violent offender in waiting. They are wrong. Violence is not a function of the tool. it is a function of lack of character and being told someone owes you something or you owe something because of your skin color. Then we have the Marxist politicians all around the country letting violent offenders out of jail or never putting them there in the first place. We will never have a peaceful society until we change the politicians and stop sending our kids to the government indoctrination centers AKA public schools.

DAVID A KRIEGEL June 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm

well said the Elephant in the room. No Father, No religion, No empathy and entitlement and anger

Slacker06 June 14, 2021 at 11:00 am

All boys and girls need a father in their lives. Preferably married to the mother and living in the household.

Charles U Farley June 14, 2021 at 2:21 pm

Calls to end violence and prayer vigils will not solve this problem, because the people doing the shooting don’t care about violence and don’t care about prayer vigils.

Solving the violence problem is going to take determination and lots and lots of jail time, since that IS something the shooters understand. With the current bleeding heart types running the show, the odds of the violence issue being solved are somewhere between zero and none simply because they would rather make excuses for criminals than punish them.

And it is going to get a LOT worse before it gets better…

Larry June 16, 2021 at 5:02 am

You can have bibles in prison but not school . No responsibility to God or our fellow man
Get the connection?


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