Governor Eric Holcomb has signed Executive Orders to continue the public health emergency and the executive order for provisions that address the impact of COVID-19.
With that, Indiana is eligible to receive enhanced federal funding for Medicaid programs to help cover the increased costs of 500,000 Hoosiers who have enrolled in the programs because of the pandemic.
The executive orders also allow 200,000 eligible households to receive an additional $95 per month in federal food assistance.
The health emergency also allows the health commissioner to serve as the statewide ordering physician for those who choose to be vaccinated, including children five and older.
The order goes through December 31.
At least one more extension is likely, as the state legislature doesn’t meet until January to act on Holcomb’s conditions for ending the emergency.
Federal Medicaid funding? Federal food assistance? And all at the low low cost of the Federal government dictating a never ending state of emergency to a state government, even as a direct violation of the 10th Amendment?
The Federal grant programs are all toxic to freedom and the republic and must be abolished.
I get what you’re saying but some people with mental health or children genuinely need that kind of help. I work 6 days a week and I don’t mind my tax dollars feeding people. There should be harsh penalties for people that sell their food stamps though. I do think that’s a good idea.
The states should be responsible for any welfare programs, not the Federal government. The idea is that states that were too lavish and taxed too much would be competing with the states who were more reasonable. The Federal government has no competition, so it should not be doing anything of the sort.
That’s before we even have a discussion about whether or not welfare programs should even exist at the state level.
As Americans slip ever deeply into the inescapable pit of socialism/communistic government cont.
Dopey King Holcomb’s dictatorial orders do not effect Private Citizens. He does not have any authority to order a single citizen to do any of his bidding. They only effect government employees. IGNORE HIM. Same for Dopey King Xo the Idiot of Brandon. If you want to get the sketchy shot go ahead. If you want to believe all the panicdemic fear porn go ahead. If you want to wear 25 face diapers go ahead. If you suffer until now unknown side effects or get the virus again or die this time that is on you not on me. It is your right as a free individual. BUT you have no right to dictate how I chose to live my life. Do not live your life in fear. Doing so is no life at all. You do the shot and mask to protect ourselves and no one else. This it takes a village bovine scatology simply does not work in a modern society if it ever worked at all.