Food Bank of Northern Indiana is looking for 100 more people to take part in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program for seniors in Elkhart County.
Sign-up is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23.
Clients must pre-certify and bring a photo ID with proof of age and proof of address, know their household’s annual or monthly income, how many people reside in their household and the income for each household member.
Clients are certified for 12 months and participation in the program does not prohibit clients from visiting their local food pantry or soup kitchen as they normally would.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Faith Mission, 801 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN 46516. Participants are encouraged to wear a mask.
If participant qualifies for the program, they will take a monthly box of food home at that time.
Monthly distribution take place in Elkhart County the first Wednesday of the month at Faith Mission, 801 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN 46516.
100% ($44,756) [FY 2021-2022] of total program costs for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) are financed with federal funds. CSFP is an equal opportunity provider.
For more information about CSFP, please contact:
Brandy Love, Agency Relations Director
Food Bank of Northern Indiana or (574) 232.9986 ext. 137