Former Vice President, and Former Indiana Governor Mike Pence will serve as the keynote speaker at a major fundraiser for Republicans in Northeast Indiana this fall.
It was officially announced on Monday by Allen County Republican Chairman, Steve Shine that former Vice President of The United States and Former Indiana Governor, Mike Pence will serve as the keynote speaker at this year’s Reagan Bean Dinner on October 12th at the Grand Wayne Center. Shine said that the timing of the event will be a few weeks before the midterms and a month before the release of his new autobiography.
In a press release, Shine stated that he “Couldn’t be more pleased to announce that Vice President Mike Pence will be the keynote speaker,” and later went on to emphasize that this years event will be in many ways a way to what he called “rally the troops” ahead of the midterm elections set to take place in November.
There’s a lot to unpack here. Firstly, the organizers of this event (and indeed most of the “republicans” running the GOP in the state) are basically centrist RINO, or they would know not to choose Pence.
Second, I’m surprised Pence still clings to his desire to run in 2024. He keeps doing popularity shows like this one trying to keep himself relevant.
Finally, Judas Pence needs to take his 30 pieces of silver and go back to the beltway, we don’t want him here.
HERE…. HERE…. Well said !
Pence is no good a swamp traitor he can go to the other side. Clearly he isn’t a trump supporter so he is no help for America First! He showed his colors in the last election. Yellow!
Horrible choice we don’t need pence a swamp Republican speaking unless it is to a sewer union somewhere in California. He has nothing to offer he turned his back on Trump and showed his true color Yellow! Not red white and blue! How is coward. Spineless, centrist supposed to inspire anyone???