The U.S. Senate passed a bill to rename the Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic in Mishawaka, Indiana the “Jackie Walorski VA Clinic” with unanimous consent. The legislation was sponsored by the entire Indiana delegation, passed the House unanimously on August 12, 2022, and now is headed to the president’s desk.
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski served on the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs for two terms, where she worked tirelessly to provide Hoosier veterans with quality care and advocated for the construction of a VA Clinic in Mishawaka.
“I’d like to thank the entire Senate for honoring Rep. Walorski and ensuring the bills’ quick passage. As an overseas missionary, an advocate for veterans during her time in Congress, and a loving wife and daughter, Jackie spent her life serving others and this clinic will preserve her legacy. Amanda and I continue to pray for the Walorski family,” said Congressman Jim Banks.
On Wednesday, Aug. 3, Rep. Walorski, her communications director Emma Thomson, and Walorski’s district director Zach Potts lost their lives in a tragic car crash while traveling on State Road 19. Walorski is survived by her husband Dean Swihart.