
Indiana man sentenced for assaulting officer at U.S. Capitol on January 6th

A federal judge sentenced a Shelbyville man to five years in federal prison for his actions at the Capitol riot last January.

Mark Mazza pleaded guilty in June to carrying a firearm and assaulting a police officer on Capitol grounds Jan. 6, 2021.

Mazza was accused of carrying a Taurus revolver inside the U.S. Capitol, helping other rioters enter the building, and assaulting an officer.

Video showed Mazza taking a baton from an officer and swinging it at police.

Federal agents claimed Mazza dropped his loaded revolver on Capitol grounds and later filed a false police report claiming it was stolen.

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Slacker06 October 23, 2022 at 11:43 am

This guy got off easy for his illegal carrying of a firearm into the capitol. He should have stayed home like the vast majority of Trump Supporters did. Most of the sentences for mere trespass do not fit the crime. I wonder, how can someone be guilty of trespass when entering “THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE?????”

Slacker06 October 24, 2022 at 11:21 am

How can this sentence fit the crime? All across the USA violent criminals are let go with no bail and no prosecution. So an American goes into the building he collectively owns with the rest of =us and is prosecuted for more than simple trespass. Plus, gun crimes are rampant with little or no prosecution. Of course that is done to make the problem worse rather than solving it. Chaos is the goal of the Marxist stooges trying to take control of the Republic.

paul Ski October 24, 2022 at 12:19 pm

BUT still NO arrests for the KILLING of a protestor…


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