Right to Life of Michigan has issued a strong statement condemning passage of Proposal Three which ensures the right to choose.
Organization leaders say they’re deeply saddened by what they call the tragic passage.
They say their efforts to educate voters were insurmountable by a larger coalition of billionaires from New York and California who funded a disinformation campaign to lure voters.
The organization also called out media members who mounted an unprecedented deluge of one-sided advocacy which they call a shameful disservice to the democratic process and Michigan voters seeking the truth.
I saw plenty of ads on both sides. I strongly believe in the right to choose. Women have a right to live their lives! A pregnancy resulting from rape or incest could negatively effect her life and all lives around her. Have some empathy!
I am with you on this. It is obvious girls who are 12 years old who have suffered incest or rape should be able to get an abortion without inconveniencing their parents by telling them. Why not let 13 year old kids have gender reaffirming surgery? I’m so glad I read this bill and actually know what’s in it!
It doesn’t matter, Michigan is lost. Prop 2 puts in early voting and drop boxes, two things needed to fraud the elections forever. The results of Prop 3 would happen regardless with the results of future “elections” simply because of the people who would be installed.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ” ― George Orwell, 1984
Only now the sole of that boot is shaped like a mitten…
Why do my comments keep not getting posted after moderation? Is it because I’m critical of the reporting? Does 95.3 not support free speech anymore?
It does seem like it H. I, myself never get a comment posted, maybe once in a BLUE moon. Jon is not a journalist, doesn’t hire journalists, can’t even ask the basics; who, what, where, when, and why. It a shame.