
Meeting to tackle declining enrollment in South Bend public schools

(Photo supplied/South Bend Community School Corporation)
Education leaders plan to meet tonight to tackle declining enrollment in South Bend public schools.
State data shows that over 3,000 students live within South Bend boundaries but choose to attend non-public schools.
Education leaders from South Bend Schools, The Career Academy, Purdue Polytechnic, and others will meet to discuss how to bring 2,000 students back into South Bend public schools in the next five years.
A panel of high school students enrolled in public schools across South Bend will also attend to share their ideas and potential solutions regarding the enrollment challenge.
The meeting starts at 6 P.M. at the Boys and Girls Club off of Sample Street.
What: South Bend Community Action Meeting
When: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 | 6-7 P.M.
Where: Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County | 502 E Sample St, South Bend, IN 46601
RSVP: Ellen Walsh | | 317.476.0181

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Charles U Farley November 29, 2022 at 9:03 am

South Bend Schools are woke crapfests, everything from the CRT laden curriculum to the elimination of straight white male staff to the overt racism of “diversity” requirements in teachers. The goal of the SBCSC is not to educate children, but to become a leftist utopia and indoctrinate the students into that mindset.

Maybe if the focus was actually on education, parents would not be pulling their children out in record numbers…

Needless to say this will NOT come up at their little meeting.

DAVID A KRIEGEL November 29, 2022 at 9:38 am

I would consider student safety and fear as the largest factor on kids not wanting to be in the South bend Schools . President Obama stressed the perceived racism against black male students in the school system The school to prison pipe line was the tag line. No student should miss school because of alleged discipline or violence problems became federal policy ( Did not the department of Education come down on the South Bend Schools for too many black males being suspended or expelled?) This policy demanded all students, no matter how violent, remain in school. In context in the 1950’s I was the 3rd smallest and youngest kid in school I was really bullied and picked on Many days i did not want to go to school as someone had swore they would beat me up that day. If kids are threatened with violence in school – they will try and go where they are safe. Christian, religious, charter schools with high expectations , values, and safety

DAVID A KRIEGEL November 29, 2022 at 9:40 am

I will wager this group will NOT discuss my observations above


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