
Donald Rainwater to seek Libertarian nomination for Indiana Governor

Donald Rainwater has decided to seek the Libertarian nomination for Indiana Governor in 2024.
Rainwater’s campaign for Governor in 2020 drew nearly 12% of the vote, which was the highest ever in Indiana by a Libertarian statewide candidate in a three-way race. He says it’s time to build on that.
“I believe that the three already declared candidates (Mike Braun, Suzanne Crouch, and Eric Doden) represent Eric Holcomb 2.0. Indiana doesn’t need another Eric Holcomb,” said Rainwater in an interview Friday morning with 93 WIBC’s Kendall and Casey.
Rainwater will focus on education reform, tax reform, and administrative reform.
“Our government education system is inexorably failing. We’ve ignored the fundamentals of education to focus on our social indoctrination. We need better government, not bigger government. If you look at the budget that was just passed, it’s bigger government,” said Rainwater.
Rainwater maintains that taxes are too high and the fact that Indiana politicians are getting raises while so many other people are out of work is an injustice that has to be fixed. Rainwater thinks he’s the man to fix it.
“We’ve decided that now is the time to get to work. Renters and homeowners are adversely affected by these current ballooning property tax assessments and it needs to stop. These politicians that are running our legislature are living in a completely different Indiana than we are,” said Rainwater.
Instead of hard-working small business owners getting relief, Rainwater believes the government is giving the majority of the tax breaks in Indiana to the lawmakers and their donors.
Rainwater has spent the last 20 years as a software engineer. He and his wife have a blended family that includes six children and three grandchildren.

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Adam April 30, 2023 at 12:12 am

Donald rainwater will repeat the same thing he did in 2020, with the same result. The question is why do it all over again ? If it wasn’t for Ross Perot in 1992, there wouldn’t have been a President Bill Clinton.

Charles U Farley May 1, 2023 at 12:06 pm

Sadly, yes. People voting L just hand a win to the D-party.

I’d point out that the Libertarian party isn’t very libertarian, but the GOP isn’t very conservative either. We need a viable choice, but it needs to be chosen in the Primaries and not the General.

Adam May 1, 2023 at 3:44 pm

I remember the presidential election in 2008. I couldn’t vote for either one of them. What a horrible choice that year between Obama and McCain.

Boogie May 1, 2023 at 10:10 pm

It would sure be nice if someone would do something about the property tax assessments. This is the seventh year mine has increased ten pct. After contacting Doriot and King several times and asking them to do like Florida and limit the assessment increase to three percent per year, or the CPI increase, whichever is the lesser, I am not confident of this being fixed. The State house tried, but the bill never made it out of committee.


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