
City of South Bend introduces new Coordinator on Homelessness

(Photo Supplied/City of South Bend and
The City of South Bend has a new Coordinator on Homelessness.
Carl Hetler has served many churches for the past 13 years in South Bend, including Living Stones, City Chapel EFCA, Evangel Heights UMC, and most recently, the pastor at Broadway Christian Parish for the past five years. While at Christian Parish UMC, Carl has developed a deep sense of the services, institutions and individuals who care about providing safe, stable, and secure housing to all residents. He is also co-chair of the Regional Planning Council, working to address problems, gaps, and shortfalls in the homelessness community and is a participant in the Trauma Informed Care Cohort from Beacon Community Impact and Notre Dame.
Helter’s responsibilities including supporting the City’s contributions to the goals of a strategic plan to address homelessness. He will establish and maintain a framework for activities to build a strong inter-jurisdictional, promoting collaboration among agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and community groups. He will be the primary point of contact working across City departments, St. Joseph County, provider organizations, the homeless and housing vulnerable population, service providers, and others for the City of South Bend.
In early August 2020, Mayor Mueller formed the Homelessness Implementation Group to put new long-term and short-term solutions to address chronic homelessness in South Bend. The group includes more than 20 representatives from social service agencies, businesses, city administration, education institutions, and residents. Creating a designated coordinator was one of the Homelessness Implementation Group recommendations, which had been filled in 2022 and focused on a preparation of an analysis of design and costs for a new low-barrier shelter.
Hetler’s first day on the job is scheduled for July 1.

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Thor May 16, 2023 at 11:17 pm

How about providing a quick path to employment and being a worth while citizen of the country? The current coordinator seems to have been doing a bang up job as there are societal leaches everywhere on the sidewalks of that corroding city; if this fellow follows the same path expect their ranks to grow and the city to continue its downward spiral.

Adam May 17, 2023 at 6:42 pm

Thor, Carl Hetler gets paid a salary and a great benefits package, to turn the City limits of South Bend into San Francisco, California. Liberal Woke South Bend continues to become more extreme every year. Look at the city election primaries held on May 2nd of this month.

What happened to the work ethic in America and family taking care of family members ? More government isn’t the solution, it’s the start of the problem.

Charles U Farley May 17, 2023 at 9:23 pm

“If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.” -Ronald Reagan

We are subsidizing homelessness with predictable results.


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