Due to the detection of chronic wasting disease in LaGrange County, the Indiana DNR is now restricting moving deer from disease-positive areas for rehabilitation.
If you find an orphaned, sick, or injured deer in a disease-positive Area, you must surrender it to a DNR-permitted wild animal rehabilitator within the same area.
It’s meant to prevent the spread of CWD, as deer can carry the disease without showing symptoms.
Currently, Indiana’s Positive Area includes LaGrange, Steuben, Noble, and DeKalb counties. No positive deer have been found in Steuben, Noble, or DeKalb counties, but these areas are included due to their proximity to LaGrange County.
For more information, go online to https://www. in.gov/dnr/fish-and-wildlife/ wildlife-resources/wildlife- diseases-in-indiana/ chronic-wasting-disease-cwd/.