A medical center in Indianapolis appears to have perfected a new type of treatment for people with hemophilia.
It’s a blood disorder that affected several people throughout Indiana. It’s a condition in which the body’s blood lacks the ability to clot. This means the simplest of cuts to one’s skin could turn into a serious medical issue, along with several other health complications associated with it.
Lyle Yoder has lived with hemophilia since childhood.
“Looking back, I’ve realized that I was being careful even in my younger years. Before I was 10, I remember not doing some things because it hurt, and I didn’t realize why. Once I understood that I had hemophilia, it made sense,” Yoder said to WISH-TV.
Innovative Hematology doctors have come up with a treatment that they say will significantly help those who usually have to be treated with an artificial blood clotting agent through transfusions every so often. Their treatment only requires a simple one-time infusion.
“The way that this gene therapy works is it’s a virus that we take the viral DNA out of and put in hemophilia protein, factor IX, and trick the body into making factor IX when it wasn’t really doing so before,” said Dr. Anthony Betadal, an adult hematologist-oncologist.
Factor IX is the chemical compound in the human blood that allows it to clot.
For a simple infusion, it was a long process to prepare for Yoder who had to go through liver work, blood testing, and psychosocial assessments.
“There’s a lot of risks when it comes to doing gene therapy,” he said. “Though I think the benefits are going to outweigh anything I will have to sacrifice or let go of for now.”