
AES Indiana offers tips to help reduce heating costs
With the below zero wind chill values across Indiana expected to continue this week, the utility company AES Indiana is offering you tips you can use to help reduce heating costs.
Communications Director of AES Indiana Mallory Duncan said you can always expect higher bills in the winter.
“Your heating system is working harder to get to that level you’ve set in your home. So obviously we have cold temperatures right now that are subzero,” said Duncan.
Duncan says are there ways to save money.
“When you leave or when you’re sleeping, we suggest setting your thermostat back about 8 degrees. 70 degrees is a good threshold when your home. It can really make a difference in that bill,” said Duncan.
She also recommends using caulk to seal the gaps around windows and doors. You can also set your ceiling fan to spin clockwise at a low speed to circulate warm air.
“If we do have sunlight during the day, open the curtains during the day to let the sunlight warm your home,” said Duncan.
Space heaters can be tempting for you to use, but Duncan doesn’t recommend doing that.
“They are very expensive to operate and they’ll run that bill right up. Your heating system will run longer than necessary and it will work harder, which again raises your bill,” said Duncan.
If you lose power, she advises you to turn off all appliances but leave on one lamp to know when power is restored. She also advises you to keep your freezer and refrigerator doors closed in that situation.
LEAD: Your heating bill might be a problem your dealing with now. John Herrick reports on advice from AES Indiana.

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