U.S. Senator Jim Banks is threatening to pull federal grants from IMPD and other agencies that block immigration raids.
In an interview with News 8’s All Indiana Politics, Banks blasted IMPD Chief Chris Bailey for saying the department won’t assist with immigration sweeps. Bailey argued local police don’t have the authority to enforce federal immigration laws and don’t check immigration status during routine investigations.
“My message to the police chief and others who block deportations, especially of violent criminals, is that I’m exploring ways to take away your federal grants if you don’t support the federal government,” Banks said.
A strong supporter of immigration sweeps since the Trump administration, Banks highlighted ICE’s daily arrests of over 1,000 suspected undocumented immigrants, insisting the Biden administration knows where they are.
He also praised Governor Mike Braun’s order for state law enforcement to help federal officials when needed.
Banks argued there should be no exceptions for undocumented immigrants in mixed-status families and downplayed any economic impact. He says that immigrant-rights groups estimate many farm and construction workers are undocumented but believes employers should hire legal immigrants or U.S. citizens instead.
1 comment
I am so sick of the bullying remarks coming from our elected officials. Our police officers have enough to do without having more bullshit added to their duties. Immigration can do their job and our police officers can do their job and if immigration can’t do their job then that’s just too f****** bad.