Major backlash over Indiana’s religious freedom law that goes into effect in July is due in part to the fact that Indiana doesn’t include LGBT people in its civil rights protections, according to South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Buttigieg joined Mark McGill on Michiana’s Morning News on Tuesday, March 31.
“Part of it is that we don’t have that protective language (for LGBT people in Indiana state law),” he said. “Another part of it, I think, is the timing of this. You know, it’s one thing to have a law that was on the books 20 years ago — 20 years ago was not a great time for equality for a lot of people in this country or in different states. But to be moving in that direction when the rest of the country is moving in the opposite direction, I think that sends a powerful message, and not a good one.”
Listen below to hear everything Buttigieg said Tuesday morning about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act during the morning show.
- RELATED: South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg discusses religious freedom law on MSNBC, March 31, 2015