
Road funding plan advances out of Indiana Senate committee

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A powerful Indiana Senate committee put its stamp on an infrastructure funding plan that the GOP majority says is a top priority this session.

Republican state Sen. Brandt Hershman‘s committee on Tuesday made substantial changes to much of the fine print of the House Republican proposal. But many of the overarching tax-raising provisions remain, including a $15 vehicle registration fee, a 10-cent gasoline tax increase and a diesel tax increase, albeit slightly reduced.

A provision allowing the governor to seek interstate tolling also remains. One new provision is a $5 fee that would be charged on the sale of each tire sold in the state.

Negotiations on a final package will continue in the remaining days of the legislative session.

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Betty Gillespie March 29, 2017 at 9:32 pm

Time to move out of this state. Can’t afford to live here with all the taxes!

Corruption and Greed March 30, 2017 at 2:00 pm

How do we stop this insanity? They just take our money and do nothing with it…Again, and again…


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