
Governor says change-resistant Indiana should think globally

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Resistance to change is often touted as a virtue in Indiana. But Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb says the state’s prosperity relies on rethinking that approach.

Holcomb envisions a state that out-competes other larger commerce centers.

In recent months he has helped land new business, lured a direct flight route to Paris and strengthened the state’s economic ties to Japan.

But the Rust Belt state faces many daunting challenges.

Experts say workers are inadequately trained for the jobs that currently exist and quality-of-life improvements are needed to help lure new industry.

But that kind of change often doesn’t go over well. Indiana historian James Madison says people who buck the status quo are often “slapped back down.”

Holcomb says “digging a moat around yourself” won’t solve the state’s problems.

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Please vote Holcomb out! Vote for an unknown independant from now on... October 23, 2017 at 10:24 am

Holcomb sounds just like Obama…Just give him your money because he knows best how to spend it. Doesn’t matter that Hoosiers don’t care to be “global” because Holcomb wants too! Holcomb and Donnelly should be best friends because they are just alike. Funny how ever since Holcomb was put in the governorship Indiana has been so bad off that everything needs to change. Trump touted how great Indiana was under Pence but apparently it was all a lie? I think now it is all a lie and Holcomb is a true liberal in the disguise of a republican. Very soon Hoosiers will have to pay to drive on the roads we are taxed to death to pay for already. Im sure it is all for the best and a lifetime politician like Holcomb will surely know how to spend our money for the greater good. As long as the greater good is himself.

Yes!!! Vote Holcomb out! October 23, 2017 at 10:29 am

“Governor says change-resistant Indiana should think globally”
Interpretation: Holcomb wants Hoosiers to stop thinking independently (Conservative) and think more like he does (Liberal Socialist).
Reason: He is going to take a lot more of Hoosiers income for whatever he determines is a good liberal, socialist idea. Regardless of what Hoosiers want.

We need another conservative party...a real one... October 25, 2017 at 9:18 am

If I wanted to live in Bangladesh I’d move there. Why must businesses and people be stacked up like cordwood? Why must we be forced into UN approved ‘sustainable development’ tiny homes linked with bike trails and roundabouts? To increase tax revenues so they can spend more doing ‘good works’. To control us. I like Indiana just fine Governor, you are supposed to represent US not the rest of the world.


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