
Convicted sex offender from Elkhart charged with raping Amish woman

(Photo supplied)

BREMEN, Ind. (AP) — An Elkhart man with felony rape and child molestation convictions on his record has been charged with sexually assaulting an Amish woman last month in Marshall County.

The Elkhart Truth reports that 49-year-old Michael Middaugh is charged with rape, burglary with an armed weapon and criminal confinement.

The woman told the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department that she was home with her 2-year-old child on Aug. 28 when a man pulled up in a car asking for directions before he grabbed her and raped her at knifepoint.

When authorities released the woman’s description of her attacker, the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Office discovered that her description matched that of Middaugh, who was being sought because he failed to register as a sex offender. He was arrested Aug. 30 and remains in custody.

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