
Man arrested after attempting theft, punching officer in face

(Photo Supplied/ABC 57)

A man is being held in the St. Joseph County Jail without bond after he allegedly punched a South Bend Police Officer in the face.

Mishawaka police were called to the Meijer on Breman Highway regarding a fight on Wednesday, Oct. 2, according to ABC 57.

When they arrived, they found an off-duty South Bend officer had detained a theft suspect who was trying to leave the store.

The off-duty officer told Mishawaka police that he had identified himself as a police officer when he detained the suspect, but then the suspect punched him in the mouth.

Witnesses told police the suspect took a cart full of merchandise, worth more than $530, passed all of the pay points.

Tony Jennings, 59, was arrested and booked into jail without bond. He faces theft and battery charges, and is due back in court on Monday, Oct. 7.

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