Ivy Tech Community College has delayed the start of courses until March 23 due to coronavirus concerns.
The following is a statement from Ivy Tech President Sue Ellspermann:
To all students, faculty, and staff:
As we continue to follow and learn more about the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with your safety in mind, we have decided to take additional steps to lessen our on-campus population and better accommodate social distancing.
Ivy Tech Community College is delaying the start of all courses until March 23. The College plans to deliver courses virtually or through other alternate delivery through April 5. Students should check IvyLearn leading up to March 23 for instructions on their courses. The College will make a decision on March 30 about the need for continued virtual and alternate delivery of classes.
Ivy Tech campuses and sites will remain open to provide student and business office assistance including the ability for students to meet with advisors, admissions and financial aid, use computers, and access to faculty as needed. Accommodations will be made for labs, clinicals and some technology courses to meet in groups of 10 or less if social distancing can be assured.Information regarding such meetings will be provided to students from their faculty. Faculty and staff should plan to continue their work on campus/site. Additional specific information for employees will be shared by Julie Lorton-Rowland, Senior Vice President for Human Resources, and Kara Monroe, Provost.
While our students have been on spring break we have continuously monitored the coronavirus pandemic and have weighed all options. Our focus is always on the safety and academic success of our students.At this time, given the escalating cases in Indiana and across the country, we believe that offering our courses virtually is now the most viable alternative.Ivy Tech currently offers nearly half of our courses online today.However, with more than 1,600 faculty across our 18 campuses, we will use next week to provide faculty the training, tools, and support to provide quality instruction to our students so that they can successfully move forward with their educational and career goals.
As you know we offer 16-week courses that started in January and were at the midway point in the semester when spring break started on March 9.The restart of those courses will be delayed one week with this change.The College also offers a large number of 8-week courses, which had either ended by March 9 or are scheduled to begin on March 16.The start date of those second 8-week courses will be delayed with all courses starting again on March 23. In all cases under the current plan the semester will extend an additional week and conclude May 17. The College has not announced any changes regarding commencement ceremonies at this time.
Thank for your patience and understanding as we work through this unexpected situation together.
President Sue Ellspermann