
PHM School Board approves teachers’ contract, increases substitute teacher pay

(Photo supplied/Penn-Harris-Madison Schools)

The Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation has approved the teachers’ contract and increased substitute pay.

The agreement covers a one-year period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 and will keep starting teacher pay at $41,000. The new salary range can reach upwards of $71,000.

Additionally, all teachers, including those in their 1st year, will receive a one-time stipend ranging from $500 to $1,450. The P-H-M Board of School Trustees wanted to pay the one-time stipends out of the district’s Rainy Day Fund as a way to express the Board’s appreciation to the exemplar efforts of teaching staff during these challenging times coping with COVID-19.

There will also be a 3% increase in stipend amounts paid to all teachers who also hold Extracurricular and Co curricular coaching/sponsorship responsibilities.

In addition, the agreement includes changes to the Corporation’s health insurance plan. Employee contributions will also increase by 3% starting in January of 2021.

Hourly pay for substitute teachers was also increased by $20 per day in order to retain and attract more substitutes.

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