(City of Mishawaka) With the extreme temperatures approaching, the City of Mishawaka is asking homeowners to take several preventative measures to protect water pipes and meters from freezing.
They suggest turning both the hot and cold taps on so that they produce the tiniest line of water trickling out of the tap.
Leaving faucets slightly open so water barely trickles keeps the water moving through the pipes and helps to prevent freezing of both the water lines and meters.
Also, they suggest to make sure indoor areas where you have exposed pipes and meters are also properly heated.
Following these simple tips could help save you from untold expense and cleanup efforts.
1 comment
Brings to mind a experience I had years ago . Tenants left exterior basement door open in sub zero weather . Sewer pipes froze so sewage over flowed to laundry sink out onto floor . Froze on floor
After it reached about 12 “ it knocked out water heater , furnace with a nice skating rink of poo.
Check out doors and windows seal all cracks in basement sill plates