
Suspect wanted in South Bend car break-in and vandalism cases

(Photo supplied/St. Joseph County Jail)

South Bend police have issued arrest warrants for a man linked to multiple thefts and acts of vandalism in downtown parking areas.

Vernard Hamilton, 51, has been charged in two cases stemming from incidents reported in November and December 2024. The South Bend Police Department’s Detective Bureau identified Hamilton as the suspect following an investigation.

On January 14, the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office filed charges against Hamilton. He faces theft charges in one case and theft and criminal mischief charges in another.

Hamilton is currently not in custody. Authorities describe him as 6’2” tall, weighing 165 pounds, and believe he remains in the South Bend area despite lacking a permanent address.

Police urge anyone with information on Hamilton’s whereabouts to contact the South Bend Police Department’s Detective Bureau at 574-235-9263. Tips can also be submitted anonymously through Michiana Crime Stoppers at 574-288-STOP.

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