The fate of an old school building on South Bend’s northwest side continues to be a point of contention between people who want to wreck it and people that want to restore it.
The old Marquette School building has sat empty for some time, and talk continues over the building’s fate. Indiana Landmarks recently put the building on its Top 10 Most Endangered List in all of Indiana, and $800,000 is already set aside by the South Bend Community School Corporation for its destruction.
However, there is a push to preserve at least the portion of the building that was built in 1937 by the Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County, while demolishing the two additions that came in 1948 and 1953. Some told WSBT it should be made into a recreational facility while others think the whole thing is an eyesore and should be taken down.
The school corporation can’t demolish a single brick, though, until it gets the OK from the Historic Preservation Commission.
Can you make it profitable without draining taxpayer money? If so, carry on. If not, appreciate your diploma and carry on without everyone else having to pay to maintain your memories.
Why would the South Bend School System be in the business of tearing down an old school for upwards of $800,000? Why not sell it for one dollar and let someone who is in this business deal with it? Sounds like some secret BS to me. Funny that Virginia Calvin (former school system superintendent) determined this building was too dangerous for students and built a new one decades ago but it is still standing and in conversations with regards of actually using it? More BS from South Bend School Corp…Again! Didn’t need a new school back then after all but we all knew it then.
I’m a former student of Marquette School and I love it there! There is so much history within those wall’s, I remember seeing , drawings from I believe from Pre historic Time’s. We had a tornado Waring all the students had to go to the basement. And the walls had these drawings on it and it amazed me every since. So I don’t think they should tear it down maybe turn it into a Museum of Art from it’s history. I’m obsessed with it, alway’s have been every since I was a student there. Even though it was built in the 30’s. How do you explain the artwork outside the building, and the drawings Inside the basement.? Occasionally i’ll find myself driving up to the old building and admiring it still just like i use to do as a kid! But If i had the money for it I’ll build it into a museum.