
Mishawaka’s annual leaf pick-up program starts Monday, Oct. 28

(Tommie Lee/95.3 MNC)

The Mishawaka Street Department will begin the city’s annual fall leaf pick-up program in less than two weeks.

Mayor David Wood announced Wednesday that residents should start raking their leaves to the curb the weekend of October 26, as the program will begin on Monday, October 28.

The most important thing for Mishawaka residents to remember is that leaves will be picked up each week the day before each resident’s trash pick-up day. For example, if a resident’s trash pick-up day is on Wednesday, leaves will be collected on Tuesday.

“As in years past, residents can expect at least six passes through their neighborhood during the fall leaf pick-up,” said Mayor Wood. “Even if we have inclement weather, the Mishawaka Street Department is prepared to provide this weekly service with little or no interruption.”

Leaves should be raked to the edge of the curb and should be free of branches, twigs, stones and other debris.

The leaf pick-up program will run through Friday, December 6.

See below for leaf collection information concerning surrounding areas:

RELATED: South Bend ReLeaf program kicks off Monday, Oct. 28

RELATED: Fall leaf pickup to begin in Elkhart on Monday, Oct. 21

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