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Elkhart details Halloween plan, safety recommendations

(AP Photo/Dan Goodman, FILE)

Elkhart has announced their trick or treat guidelines for Halloween night.

The City says trick or treat hours will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, October 31.

Kids are encouraged to travel in family groups and incorporate cloth masks into their costumes. The city reminds parents that a costume mask is NOT an appropriate protective mask to defend a child from the coronavirus.

The city says there have been spikes in Elkhart’s positivity rate after other holidays where people let their guard down.

Some additional tips from the mayor’s office:

– Carry a flashlight or other luminous items like glow sticks or reflective clothing

– Those passing out treats are asked to not allow trick-or-treaters to reach into the communal container, but rather pass out treats wearing gloves or with frequent sanitizing

– Those passing out treats, please consider preparing goodie bags for individual trick-or-treaters to grab

– For Trick-or-Treaters, please don’t eat your candy until you’ve had the change to thoroughly wash your hands

You can find Trick or Treat suggestions from the CDC by clicking here.


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