Getting Hoosiers vaccinated for COVID is a tough process that requires a lot of coordination between the state and locations distributing the vaccines.
In order to efficiently and correctly vaccinate Hoosiers, the state has teamed up with Zotec Partners, a revenue cycling company based in Carmel, to run the whole process of getting Hoosiers signed up to get a COVID shot and making sure vaccination sites are giving out the right number of vaccines.
“This state is extremely organized and up to speed,” said Scott Law, CEO of Zotec Partners, to Inside Indiana Business. “The problem with a lot of other states is they have different systems to deal with. So if a hospital or a particular organization runs the state registration and process, that doesn’t necessarily talk to other systems and other locations.”
Law said his company, as a third-party outlet, coordinates with all registered vaccination site with the state throughout Indiana in signing people up for a particular time and place to get a vaccine. Once that information is entered, they send a “demand signal” to that vaccination site to have the right amount of vaccine doses ready to go for that time and place.
“We do it by hour of the day so that they can start the thawing process and all of the things to minimize the waste with regards to the vaccine,” Law added.
Zotec says more than 460,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments have been scheduled using its technology with another 300,000 expected to be scheduled by the end of the month.
So far just over 71,000 Hoosiers have been fully vaccinated, with another 317,000 having gotten at least a first dose of a vaccine.
The online platform that Zotec has developed for vaccine scheduling that handles medical billing, appointment scheduling and analytics services, among others for healthcare providers.
With revenue having dropped 40-percent from the use of the platform happening during the pandemic, Law says their partnership with the state in running the online distribution platform for COVID vaccines has helped them mitigate much of the losses they experienced in the last year.