On Saturday, Jan. 18, pro-life people will gather and pray for the upholding of the dignity of life with a rally at The Lerner and prayer walk downtown Elkhart.
The rally and prayer walk coincide with the week Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 and serve as a remembrance of lives impacted in the 52 years since.
Doors to The Lerner open at 11 a.m.
A social hour will take place from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., with the opportunity to visit and learn from community partners sharing local programs and services.
The rally program begins at noon and will feature local prayer leaders and pastors, musicians, and a keynote testimony offered by Bruce Dyksen of She Found His Grace.
A 30-minute prayer walk will take off from The Lerner shortly after 1pm, process downtown, and conclude with a final prayer when the group returns.
This weekend will also conclude the local “Stuff-a-Truck” for Moms and Babies initiative, featuring a truck full of mom and baby care items which will be distributed to pregnancy centers throughout Michiana. The community is encouraged to bring items to the Elkhart Rally and Prayer Walk.
Drop-offs can be placed directly in the truck outside The Lerner box office on the day of the event. For a list of needed items, visit www.prolifemichiana.org/truck.
Donations may also be delivered to the Right to Life Michiana office at 2004 Ironwood Circle, Suite 130 in South Bend.