While the President and Vice-President will be inside the Northside Middle School gymnasium rallying with thousands of supporters, a counter-demonstration will be taking place outside the school.
Several activist groups, including the Northern Indiana Community Coalition for Heath Care, the Nu Black Power Movement of South Bend and Indivisible Indiana District 2, said they will gather near Northside Middle School to promote their opposition to the president and his policies.
Protest leaders tells ABC 21 in Fort Wayne the tax reform plan the president plans to tout does more harm than good, since they say it adds to the national debt by the trillions.
Elkhart Police warn that vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the area of North Side Gymnasium will be “extremely restricted.” Outside police agencies are expected to help provide protection for President Trump.
Bristol Street between North Main and Cassopolis Streets will be closed starting at 3 p.m. Other streets around the area will be closed to allow the motorcade to progress.
Is there any source to find out where we can park or if there will be a shuttle?
These protesters are just Anti-American and need to stay home! They are the typical people that want everything for free. Health Care coalition just want free health care for people that don’t care to work. Nu Black Power wants??? no idea but I am sure their problems are all because of white people and our white President because Obama did so much for them???….Indivisible Indiana wants everyone to have an abortion while we go back to the stone age and renounce technology (irony at its finest)…basically hates everyone that wants or likes anything and Americans are just evil and it is all Trumps fault…
The economy is great!
The 3rd world dictators are nervous.
illegal Immigration has slowed or stopped.
Tax breaks for us that go to work everyday and pay for all the nonsense these protesters collect in the way of free everything.
The “swamp” is showing themselves for what they all are…Swamp rats.
Trump is awesome!
to Stocks:
You get on the South Shore and ride it all the way to Chicago. Get off and just wait…..
Stock market up
Unemployment down
Hostages free
If you don’t like this……
Suck an egg
Thanks for sharing such a good post. I got to know about the rally, keep sharing !!
Thank you for sharing valuable information.
Thanks for Sharing amazing informational content.
Protesting is not solution for everything. One should sit and discuss the issues. Thanks for information . I have first time Hurd about protest.
Thanks for sharing such a good post
Hey thank you for sharing this information with me. I like to know more on politics. I like your post.
This is very good article and very informative article also. Thanks the website owner for this details guide article.