
Michigan couple opens their heart and home, transforming teen’s life

November is National Adoption Month and according to the Dave Thomas Foundation of Adoption, Michigan has about 10,000 children in foster care.
Two years ago, 15-year-old Bridgett faced removal from her foster home at Christmastime. High school principal Jeremy Wright and his wife, Jennifer, already the parents of two young adult children, were surprised when their offer to take Bridgett in for a temporary emergency placement, turned into a permanent loving solution. They said their family has overcome many hurdles.
“When Bridgett came to us, she was addicted to drugs and alcohol,” Jennifer explained. “She is 99% different from the day she walked into our house.”
“She really opened up and talked about wanting to be better,” Jeremy recounted. “She just didn’t have the skills and didn’t have the know how to do it.”
The Dave Thomas Foundation has 37 recruiters in Michigan and they’ve helped find forever homes for more than 400 kids waiting in foster care.
The Foundation reported 38% of the young people it works with have experienced a failed adoption and were returned to foster care, something Bridgett, now 17, understands firsthand.
“At the age I was I didn’t think I would ever actually find a family that I was gonna stay with forever,” Bridgett explained. “Because of how many times I moved, and it’s disappointing and it makes you feel kind of alone.”
Now, Bridgett understands firsthand what’s it like to be truly home for Christmas and she has a clear message for other foster children who may be feeling discouraged this holiday season.
“Don’t give up,” Bridgett urged. “You’ll find your family. It might take a while. It took me like, 8 years. But, you’ll find a family that wants you and loves you.”
The Dave Thomas Foundation works with kids who are typically around 14 years old and about 87% have a diagnosed special need such as ADHD or trauma.

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