
Indiana lawmaker proposes bill to allow for more baby boxes

(Photo supplied/LaPorte County Sheriff's Office)

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — An Indiana legislator is proposing legislation that would allow for expanded use of baby boxes in which a mother could anonymously give up her newborn.

Republican state Sen. Travis Holdman of Markle announced Wednesday his bill would allow fire departments that are continually staffed to install the devices.

A state law passed last year allows for such boxes at hospitals, though proponents say none have been installed yet. Two fire departments that previously installed such devices were also grandfathered in under the law.

Baby boxes are heated and contain an alarm that alerts when a baby is placed inside. But child welfare authorities have voiced concerns about a lack of safeguards in place to ensure the safety of the boxes.

Holdman says his latest effort helps address those concerns by only allowing the boxes to be installed continuously staffed locations.

In LaPorte County, a baby was placed in the box at Coolspring Township’s Volunteer Fire Department, safe and sound just two months ago. That child has since been adopted.

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1 comment

Dan January 4, 2018 at 8:58 am

Anyone think our government officials have gone off the rails? We are going to legislate to put “boxes” in more places to have degenerates drop their babies into? If this were portrayed in a movie in 1970 people would have been appalled. In 2018 it is just everyday stuff. In our country you cant smoke anywhere because it may offend someone. You can’t even smoke in your own car if a minor is present. You have to get a permit (from government) to build anything… but you can put a live baby in a drop box and all is OK. Were are these moron politicians coming from and who keeps electing them?


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